Teach your kids the first and most important lesson of life – MONEY
Olili helps parents to share their money values in a fun and educational way. Teaching children about finances can build financial literacy and give them a stronger ability to manage their finances later in life.
About Us
Teach your kids three most important lessons:- save share spend
If you don’t teach your kids how to manage money, somebody else will and that’s a risk you do not want to take! Olili toys help children to take a head start in finance at any age.
Every parent wants their child to do their best and to teach them many lessons that impact their life. But how do you teach your children that? The answer is simple, with a lesson of money. Olili toys help parents with the first lesson of money which is to teach their children about saving, sharing and spending money wisely.

“Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after saving”
Your kid’s first interaction with money is spending as they see you purchasing stuff all the time. So it is important to teach them about saving money FIRST! Saving money discipline, goal-setting and planning.

“Spend is not a mathematical term but a maturity event that gives dignity”
We bet you think teaching saving is easy. You will be surprised to know that some kids fear spending their birthday money or candy, while some spend too quickly. The job here is to teach your child about how much to spend money.

“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. Money is meant to be shared!”
Even adults do not like to give away their stuff to others so what do we expect from kids? Remind your kids that together they can do much. A little added from a variety of sources add up to a lot. We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. Teach your children the value of sharing.
Practical Experience Made Simple
To fully understand something one needs to experience it. Parents can give money as a reward in exchange for a task done. Olili is giving PASSBOOK with the piggy bank so that kids can keep track of money. Olili is also giving creative stickers so that kids & parents both can have fun sticking them on the right box.